Temple Newsam Path Repairs

We have recently completed extensive repairs to tarmac and concrete paths at the Temple Newsam Estate in Leeds. This involved stone up and re-kerb, as well as hand and machine lay of tarmac and concrete. The tarmac works were completed in late July and the concrete works in mid-September.
Access Ramp Photos

Some photographs of recent access ramps completed by our groundworks and metal fabrication teams in Leeds:
Access Ramps

Leeds City Council have ordered three more access ramps for council houses around the city. We take care of the whole construction process from installing upstand pin kerbs to fabricating and installing bespoke handrails and surfacing the ramps in tarmac, concrete or flags. This provides work for the three main arms of our company – groundwork, surfacing and metal fabrication.
British Gas Surfacing Contract Complete

On Saturday we completed the first phase of resurfacing works at the British Gas training school in Leeds working on behalf of Online Contractors. This project has included tarmac resurfacing of several car parks and the main access road, along with associated thermoplastic road marking and planing works. Together with ironwork resetting and gulley alterations, this project […]